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Austin, Texas, United States
i'm looking for my voice and identity.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hands Tied as Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Westboro

Welcome to Topeka Kansas, home to the Westboro Baptist Church. In a article written by Bill Chappell and published by the National Public Radio, Chappell describes the Supreme Courts 8-1 ruling on Tuesday in favor of the Westboro Church protesting at funerals of fallen soldiers against gays serving in the military. Leading the Baptist Church is Rev. Fred Phelps who along with his followers have traveled throughout the country protesting hundreds of funerals with signs that read "God hates Fags" and "You're Going to Hell."

While many feel outrage at the Westboro group, under the First Amendment they are protected to express any opinion they may have, as hateful as their signs read the group was indeed on public property which protects any group voicing public opinion. While they targeted private funerals their message was one of "public concern" which further protects them.

I feel this is an important article to think about as it concerns something we wrestle with daily concerning public option and free speech, so much of it is out of anger and ignorance which is encouraged and and will always win over the voice's of the peaceful and those scared.


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