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Austin, Texas, United States
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Thursday, April 7, 2011

In Responce to "National budget cuts!!"

Point taken, let us all learn from history not repeat it (unless its an awesome idea). Victoria Gonzalez’s' post "National Budget Cuts!!" lead me to a few questions for you. Clearly you do not approve of the budget cuts that the House Appropriations Committee announced because they are insufficient and thoughtless, but what tax codes do you suggest we return to if we are indeed reducing domestic spending to levels reminiscent to the Eisenhower era? I was also confused to as what programs were being threatened, I was hard pressed to understand what was at stake and how it is going to affect people like my family and myself. I too hope funding for programs and institutions (such as your school) continue to receive finding but why did your school not receive state help in building an additional section? This must have happened before these budget cuts were announced correct? I always though it was up to state to fund schools and other services such as homeless shelters but am not completely certain. Is the House Appropriations Committee going to cut federally funded programs such as welfare, armed forces, members of congress salaries, etc. If the budget cuts affect municipally funded services like waste and water then that is going to be pretty bad. What is great is we pay our state taxes (unless you live in the seven states that do not collect individual taxes for state) that fund our roads and hopefully schools, so as long as everything continues as is and only federal cuts are on the horizon I feel safe. Good opinion piece, you raised questions that fueled many Google searches!

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